Fall/Winter Hours: Tues – Fri. 10-5 and Sat 10-3 or until last person leaves. We are also open by appointment – just call.
My shop is at the corner of 21st Ave E. and East 5th St. I’m in the DeSmet Insurance Agency building. I have a big sign right under and on the side of insurance sign.
October – the leaves are turning into those beautiful fall colors. We have some of those gorgeous colors at our shop. Those same leaves are also falling which lets us know that those cooler days of fall will be upon us soon. Because so much is going to be going on this month, there will be 2 newsletters this month. Expect the next one in about 2 weeks. I hope you got the chance to stop last month and see the “Quilt A Week” we had done and the kits we made up to go with them. They were really cute ones – which was your favorite?? Hours on Friday also change this week – Closing at 5 now instead of 4.
S. I Care…….Our last Community Service Project for 2016 will be devoted to those seniors who receive “Meals on Wheels”. We would like to provide each person who gets a meal will also have a beautiful place mat to put under that food. It is our way of letting them know that we care about the seniors who live in our community. We want to add just a little bit of joy at their mealtime.
We are asking our wonderful quilters if they would be willing to make 1 place mat (or more) to donate to this great project. We have a quick pattern that we made up which used the quilt-as-you-go method. It takes only 4 strips along with backing and binding. You can make this pattern which includes a little triangular pocket for a napkin (you can make one if you’d like) or silverware. You can also make any pattern that you would like. Our place mats are approximately 13” x 19”. Our goal is approximately 140. There are about 15 couples so if anyone would like to make a matching or coordinated pair, that would be great – we have 3 pairs done at the shop so only need 12 more of the sets….the rest are all single ones. Senior Connections are really excited about getting these and said that their clients would probably like place mats that could be used year round. Holiday looking place mats can make lonely times feel even worse so we are not looking to do those. Florals, solid colors, scenic, etc. would all work well..don’t forget we have male seniors also. We have samples of our place mats on our board, free patterns, and some extra of our larger scraps in a box if you need a strip to go with some of yours.
For each place mat you bring in, you will sign your first name and last initial on a tag we will make up that will be pinned to your place mat. You will also have one registration for each place mat to drop in our box for prizes we will draw for the first week in Nov. The project will end on Nov. 1 and they will be delivered shortly after that with employees from our shop accompanying the drivers as we deliver the place mats with the meals.
Kits, Kits, Kits…..our kits are going quickly as the weather cools. After we put up our Town Square sample quilt along with the table runner we made from the scraps, we only have a few kits left of that particular one. We have a nice collection of kits right now and a couple of the new ones have already sold out but we have made more to take their places. We still have a couple that are on sale so pick them up quickly.!!
Baby Lock Machines make great Christmas Gifts….Aria machine has a $100 visa rebate on it this month. The A-Line machines also have some special pricing this month too. I also have 2 Melody machines on special along with the Espire “demo” machine we are using to sew our quilts at the shop. Come and see what the Quilter’s Dream Line looks like.
Scarves, Scarves…..our infinity scarves are back in their buckets along with some quick directions as to sewing it. I will also be cutting our new furry bolts we got for this fall. I usually cut them about 10 – 12” x 60” long and usually sell for $7.95. I can also cut them in other widths or lengths—just call and tell us what size you want and I will cut them and have them ready for the next day. They are so messy that we don’t cut them at our counter—I cut them in the back hall on 2 other tables. These are so quick to make and are enjoyed by all who get them. I think we will
also sew some up to have on hand for those of you who just run out of time to make those gifts. They will sell for about $12.95 – $14.95.
Look for our next newsletter as it will have some very important news in it.
Enjoy the last of our warm days and start gathering those things you will need for the colder weather coming……Keep Quilting..Marsha